CaJu's Projects

Technical research project to produce and advocate for public policies in climate, water and gender

A research project designed by Beatriz Brandão, Giovanna Tiboni of Qualy Metrics and CaJu that investigates the connections between climate, water and gender in the context of the realities in Northeastern Brazil. The first results of this research was presented at the UN Water Conference 2023 in New York, US. Currently, the final data collection is completed, results are being analysed and informing the design of climate, water and gender public policies. The project is on course to be published in November 2023.

Wisdom-exchange between NGOs and local communities of Minas Gerais, SE Brazil. Hosted by Kilombo Manzo Ngunzo Kaiango

CaJu was responsible for the documentation and production of the Serras Gerais project, including community site assessments and a participatory workshop. Facilitated by Bruna Viana, this project realized in partnership with the University of Sussex, Ecoforensic and national NGO's MAPAS and NOSSAS with communities victimized by environmental crimes in Minas Gerais.

Technical research project to produce a report focusing on the fight against feminicide and climate racism in Brazil

A research project that investigates the importance of female indigenous diplomacy/sovereignty in the environmental agenda and climate change justice programs in the Brazillian political structures. This project is intended for the next COP 28, in Dubai, and is currently searching for partners and sponsors.

Platform for mapping and publicising socio-environmental projects and events in the city

Urbio, a project devised by Lourenço Capriglione, is a platform that connects the people of Natal with the movements that bring Natal to life! Through its website and Instagram, the Urbio team publicises local events, projects and socio-environmental organisations that transform the lives of the people of Natal and make life in the city brighter. We at Caju work directly on the production of documentation, the mapping of institutions and the logistics of the face-to-face events organised directly by Urbio Natal.